Lehrstuhl für Geologie (Exogene Dynamik)


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Relationship Between Thermal Conductivity, Mineral Composition and Major Element Composition in Rocks from Central and South Germany (2025) Suft O, Hagenauer H, Bertermann D Journal article Late Ordovician sponge spicules from the Yangtze Platform, South China: Biostratigraphical and palaeobiogeographical significance (2025) Lixia L, Guanzhou Y, Xin W, Fangyi G, Lehnert O, Rongchang W Journal article Documenting a coastal sediment routing tract in the sedimentary record: Implications for coastal palaeogeography and sand distribution patterns (2025) Isla M, Schwarz E, Caracciolo L, Remírez MN, Veiga GD, Finzel E Journal article Wide & deep learning for predicting relative mineral compositions of sediment cores solely based on XRF scans, a case study from Pleistocene Paleolake Olduvai, Tanzania (2024) Kodikara GR, McHenry LJ, Stanistreet IG, Stollhofen H, Njau JK, Toth N, Schick K Journal article From loose sand to sandstone: An experimental approach on early calcite precipitation in sands of siliciclastic and mixed carbonate-siliciclastic composition (2024) Janßen M, Caracciolo L, Bonnell LM, Lander RH, Adelhardt P, Moldenhauer L, Munnecke A, et al. Journal article Mega El Niño instigated the end-Permian mass extinction (2024) Sun Y, Farnsworth A, Joachimski M, Wignall PB, Krystyn L, Bond DP, Ravidà DC, Valdes PJ Journal article Determination of the Temperature Development in a Borehole Heat Exchanger Field Using Distributed Temperature Sensing (2024) Bertermann D, Suft O Journal article Burial of a sand sea: Heterogeneous compaction and cementation of the jurassic Etjo Formation, Namibia and what it tells (2024) Salomon E, Stollhofen H, Caracciolo L, Bonnell LM, Lander RH, Kittel M Journal article Unveiling coastal dynamics: Investigating beach sediment distribution patterns along the Lithuanian Baltic Sea coast through heavy mineral analysis (2024) Karlonienė D, Caracciolo L, Pupienis D Journal article Late Triassic (Norian) strontium and oxygen isotopes from the Baoshan block, southwestern China: Possible causes and implications for climate change (2024) Chen Y, Zeng W, Joachimski M, Wignall PB, Ogg JG, Jiang H, Zhang M, Lai X Journal article