Department of Medicine 2 – Cardiology and Angiology


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




[Guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology on chronic coronary syndrome from 2024]. (2025) Achenbach S Journal article, Review article PATHFINDER-CHD: prospective registry on adults with congenital heart disease, abnormal ventricular function, and/or heart failure as a foundation for establishing rehabilitative, prehabilitative, preventive, and health-promoting measures: rationale, aims, design and methods (2024) Freilinger S, Kaemmerer H, Pittrow RD, Achenbach S, Baldus S, Dewald O, Ewert P, et al. Journal article Optical coherence tomography predictors of clinical outcomes after stent implantation: the ILUMIEN IV trial (2024) Landmesser U, Ali ZA, Maehara A, Matsumura M, Shlofmitz RA, Guagliumi G, Price MJ, et al. Journal article Pulmonary hypertension in adults with congenital heart defects (ACHDs) in light of the 2022 ESC PAH guidelines—part II: supportive therapy, special situations (pregnancy, contraception, non-cardiac surgery), targeted pharmacotherapy, organ transplantation, special management (shunt lesion, left ventricular disease, univentricular hearts), interventions, intensive care, ACHD follow-up, future perspective (2024) Kaemmerer H, Diller GP, Dähnert I, Achenbach S, Eichstaedt CA, Eicken A, Freiberger A, et al. Journal article, Review article Pulmonary hypertension in adults with congenital heart defects (ACHDs)—in light of the 2022 ESC PAH guidelines—part I: definition, epidemiology, classification, diagnostics, genetics, risk stratification and follow-up, gender aspects (2024) Kaemmerer H, Diller GP, Dähnert I, Achenbach S, Eichstaedt CA, Eicken A, Freiberger A, et al. Journal article, Review article Systematic Comparison of ECG Delineation Algorithm Performance on Smartwatch Data (2024) Jäger K, Nissen M, Flaucher M, Graf L, Joanidopoulos J, Anneken L, Hübner H, et al. Journal article Comparison of Two Symptom Checkers (Ada and Symptoma) in the Emergency Department: Randomized, Crossover, Head-to-Head, Double-Blinded Study (2024) Knitza J, Hasanaj R, Beyer J, Ganzer F, Slagman A, Bolanaki M, Napierala H, et al. Journal article Effects of high- versus low-intensity lipid-lowering treatment in patients undergoing serial coronary computed tomography angiography: results of the multi-center LOCATE study (2024) Weichsel L, André F, Renker M, Breitbart P, Overhoff D, Beer M, Giesen A, et al. Journal article Inflammatory risk and cardiovascular events in patients without obstructive coronary artery disease: the ORFAN multicentre, longitudinal cohort study (2024) Chan K, Wahome E, Tsiachristas A, Antonopoulos AS, Patel P, Lyasheva M, Kingham L, et al. Journal article Exosomal Serum Biomarkers as Predictors for Laryngeal Carcinoma † (2024) Schuster J, Wendler O, Pesold VV, Koch M, Sievert M, Balk M, Rupp R, Müller SK Journal article