Lehrstuhl für Arabistik und Semitistik


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Der Weg zur arabischen Moderne: Sprache und Gesellschaft (2024) Ferrari C Edited Volume Nahḍat al-ʿarabiyya: Sprache und Ausdruck im Aufbruch der arabischen Moderne (2024) Ferrari C Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Von Kügelgen, Anke (Hg.): Philosophie in der islamischen Welt. Band 4: 19. und 20. Jahrhundert: Arabischer Sprachraum (4/1); Türkei, Iran und Südasien (4/2). Basel: Schwabe Verlag 2021. ISBN 978-3-7965-2839-2. (2023) Ferrari C Other publication type The functional spectrum of the Jibbali ~s-diatheses and the concept of potentiality/feasibility in Semitic (2022) Edzard L Book chapter / Article in edited volumes South Arabia: Old Issues, New Perspectives. Proceedings of the Workshop at the University of Eelangen-Nürnberg on December 19, 2019 (2022) Castagna G, Edzard L Edited Volume Pseudo-coordination, pseudo-subordination, and para-hypotaxis: A perspective from Semitic linguistics (2022) Edzard L Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Embedded direct speech and shifting indexicals in Semitic (2021) Edzard L Journal article, Original article Case-marking in Ethio-Semitic and Cushitic in the light of the evidence in the Ethiopian language area: linguistic convergence and divergence (2021) Edzard L Book chapter / Article in edited volumes The Coordination of Finite Verb Forms and Infinitives in Biblical Hebrew in a Comparative Semitic Perspective and a Typological Perspective (2021) Edzard L Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Bible translations as text witnesses and translation aid: The Septuaginta, Targum Onkelos, and the Hebrew Bible (2021) Edzard L Book chapter / Article in edited volumes