Sonderforschungsbereich/Transregio 73 Umformtechnische Herstellung von komplexen Funktionsbauteilen mit Nebenformelementen aus Feinblechen - Blechmassivumformung

Reallocation / Closing: 31.12.2023


Project Types

Third Party Funds Group - Overall project
Third Party Funds Group - Sub project
Third party funded individual grant
Internally funded project
FAU own research funding: EFI / IZKF / EAM ...
Non-FAU Project


Project year

Close-to-series design of modified tool surfaces for low-lubrication deep drawing Seriennahe Auslegung modifizierter Werkzeugoberflächen für das schmierstoffreduzierte Tiefziehen March 1, 2022 - Feb. 29, 2024 Manufacturing of tailored blanks by orbital forming and flexible rolling (SFB/TR73 - A1/1) Umformtechnische Herstellung von komplexen Funktionsbauteilen mit Nebenformelementen aus Feinblechen - Blechmassivumformung Jan. 1, 2016 - March 31, 2021 Constitutive friction law for the description and optimization of tailored surfaces TRR 73: Manufacturing of complex functional components with variants by using a new sheet metal forming process - Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming Jan. 1, 2009 - March 31, 2021 Strategies for function-oriented optical inspection of formed precision components (A06) (TR 73 - A06) TRR 73: Manufacturing of complex functional components with variants by using a new sheet metal forming process - Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming Jan. 1, 2009 - Dec. 31, 2020 Lubricant free forming with tailored tribological conditions SPP 1676: Nachhaltige Produktion durch Trockenbearbeitung in der Umformtechnik Oct. 1, 2015 - July 31, 2020 Traceable three-dimensional nanometrology (3DNano) Traceable three-dimensional nanometrology Oct. 1, 2016 - Sept. 30, 2019 C3: Parameter and shape optimization in finite elastoplasticity TRR 73: Manufacturing of complex functional components with variants by using a new sheet metal forming process - Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming Jan. 1, 2009 - Dec. 31, 2012 Genauigkeitssteigerung von Koordinatenmessungen durch Korrektur in modularen Abweichungsfeldern (Modulare Abweichungsfelder) April 1, 2008 - July 31, 2012 Forming of complex functional elements on sheet metal (A02) TRR 73: Manufacturing of complex functional components with variants by using a new sheet metal forming process - Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming Jan. 1, 2009 - Jan. 1, 2012 Process combination for manufacturing of teethed, thin-walled functional components out of tailored blanks (A01) TRR 73: Manufacturing of complex functional components with variants by using a new sheet metal forming process - Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming Jan. 1, 2009 - Jan. 1, 2012