Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Loess formation and chronology at the Palaeolithic key site Rheindahlen, Lower Rhine Embayment, Germany (2024) Kehl M, Seeger K, Pötter S, Schulte P, Klasen N, Zickel M, Pastoors A, Claßen E Journal article Seasonal climate variations during Marine Isotope Stages 3 and 2 inferred from high-resolution oxygen isotope ratios in horse tooth enamel from Lower Austria (2024) Reiss L, Mayr C, Pasda K, Joachimski M, Einwögerer T, Händel M, Maier A Journal article Ebermannstadt-Eschlipp (Lkr. Forchheim) (2023) Mischka D Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Anthropologische Analysen an menschlichen Skelettresten des Neolithikums aus archäologischer Sicht (2023) Mischka D, Mischka D, Burgdorf P Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Steinzeit in Bayern. Das Handbuch in 2 Bänden (2023) Uthmeier T, Mischka D Edited Volume Das Neolithikum in Bayern – Eine Bestandsaufnahme (2023) Mischka D, Nadler M Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Archäologie des 3. Jahrtausends v. Chr. (2023) Mischka D Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Animal tracks and human footprints in prehistoric hunter-gatherer rock art of the Doro! nawas mountains (Namibia), analysed by present-day indigenous tracking experts (2023) Lenssen-Erz T, Pastoors A, Uthmeier T, Ciqae T, Kxunta U, Thao T Journal article Of horses and men - Garrisoning the empire: stable-barracks on a grand scale in the auxiliary fort of the ala I Batavorum milliaria at Rǎzboieni-Cetate (Alba Iulia County, Romania) and the spatial planning of Roman forts (2023) Rubel A, Mischka C Journal article Changing food webs before and during the Last Glacial Maximum based on stable isotopes of animal bone collagen from Lower Austria (2023) Reiss L, Mayr C, Pasda K, Einwögerer T, Händel M, Lücke A, Maier A, Wissel H Journal article