Professur für Paläontologie (Schwerpunkt Faziesanalyse)


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Depth-related controls on the quantitative composition of rhodolith matrices in the high Arctic (2025) Pyko IA, Wisshak M, Teichert S Journal article, Original article The raw material preferences for producing picture stones on Gotland (2024) Hänsel P, Oehrl S, Widerström P, Ideström L, Munnecke A Journal article Multi-Phase Dolomitization in the Jurassic Paleo-Oil Reservoir Zone, Qiangtang Basin (SW China): Implications for Reservoir Development (2024) Hao R, Pan L, Mu N, Li X, Fu X, Xiong S, Liu S, et al. Journal article Depth-related controls on the quantitative taxonomic composition of rhodoliths (2024) Pyko IA, Wisshak M, Teichert S Conference contribution, Abstract of lecture Increasing the equitability of data citation in paleontology: capacity building for the big data future (2023) Smith JA, Raja NB, Clements T, Dimitrijevic D, Dowding E, Dunne E, Gee BM, et al. Journal article On Paleozoic platycerate gastropods (2023) Nützel A, Ebbestad JO, Seuß B, Munnecke A, Mapes RH, Cook AG Journal article Climatic, depositional and environmental controls on early carbonate cementation in fluvial and shallow marine sandstones (2023) Janßen M, Caracciolo L, Bonnell LM, Lander RH, Munnecke A, Beltrán-Triviño A, Muto F, Stollhofen H Journal article Glendonite-bearing concretions from the upper Pliensbachian (Lower Jurassic) of South Germany: indicators for a massive cooling in the European epicontinental sea (2023) Merkel A, Munnecke A Journal article The origins and transformation of carbonate mud during early marine burial diagenesis and the fate of aragonite: A stratigraphic sedimentological perspective (2023) Munnecke A, Wright VP, Nohl T Journal article, Review article The unexpected species richness of Arctic rhodolith beds (2023) Pyko IA, Wisshak M, Knebelsberger T, Halfar J, Hetzinger S, Teichert S Conference contribution, Abstract of lecture