Lehrstuhl für Pharmazeutische Biologie


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Spray-dried pneumococcal membrane vesicles are promising candidates for pulmonary immunization (2022) Mehanny M, Boese A, Bornamehr B, Hoppstädter J, Presser V, Kiemer AK, Lehr CM, Fuhrmann G Journal article Extracellular Vesicles — A Versatile Biomaterial (2022) Nguyen J, Fuhrmann G Journal article Themed issue: Extracellular vesicles in drug delivery and bioengineering (2022) Fuhrmann G, Lehr CM, Schiffelers R Journal article The inherent antibiotic activity of myxobacteria-derived autofluorescent outer membrane vesicles is switched on and off by light stimulation (2022) Lapuhs P, Heinrich E, Garcia R, Goes A, Frank N, Bollenbach L, Stibane V, et al. Journal article Effects of Lipophilicity and Structural Features on the Antiherpes Activity of Digitalis Cardenolides and Derivatives (2022) De Padua RM, Kratz JM, Munkert J, Bertol JW, Rigotto C, Schuster D, Maltarollo VG, et al. Journal article Influence of the wavelength and intensity of LED lights and cytokinins on the growth rate and the concentration of total cardenolides in Digitalis mariana Boiss. ssp. heywoodii (P. Silva and M. Silva) Hinz cultivated in vitro (2022) Da Silva GM, Mohamed A, De Carvalho AA, Brasil Pereira Pinto JE, Braga FC, De Padua RM, Kreis W, Vilela Bertolucci SK Journal article Knockout of arabidopsis thaliana vep1, encoding a prise (Progesterone 5β-reductase/iridoid synthase-like enzyme), leads to metabolic changes in response to exogenous methyl vinyl ketone (mvk) (2022) Klein J, Ernst M, Christmann A, Tropper M, Leykauf T, Kreis W, Munkert J Journal article Bacteriomimetic liposomes improve antibiotic activity of a novel energy-coupling factor transporter inhibitor (2022) Drost M, Diamanti E, Fuhrmann K, Goes A, Shams A, Haupenthal J, Koch M, et al. Journal article Identifying structural features for changing substrate preferences in two Plantago PRISEs (pro-gesterone 5 beta-reductase and / or iridoid synthase) (2021) Dorfner M, Klein J, Lanig H, Kreis W, Munkert J Conference contribution Overexpression of 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases in Digitalis lanata shoot cultures (2021) Leykauf T, Klein J, Lodel M, Kreis W, Munkert J Conference contribution