The focus of the research group is on novel, low-dimensional(interacting) fermionic systems in solids, materials and material systems. We investigate primarily the electronic and optical properties of fermionic systems in relation to (macroscopically) quantized, symmetry breaking and topological states and their properties. Experimentally, we employ electrical transport and associated optical measurement techniques. Resulting functionalities are also studied in view of potential applications in current and future-oriented technologies and devices. As part of the experimental approaches, targeted (device) design, growth, physical and/or chemical diversification of solid-state and material-specific characteristics are used to create new electronic states and (associated) properties.
We investigate predominantly a variety 2D layered materials (graphene, black phosphorus, SnSe), helical semiconductor and metal nano-/metastructures, and (wide-bandgap) semiconductor quantum nanowires.
Staudtstraße 7
91058 Erlangen