Department of Molecular Neurology


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Brain Preservation and Cryonics Through the Lens of Moral Psychology (2025) German A, Tretter M Journal article, Original article Patients’ and caregivers’ perception of multidimensional and palliative care in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis – protocol of a German multicentre study (2024) Linse K, Weber C, Reilich P, Schöberl F, Boentert M, Petri S, Rödiger A, et al. Journal article Which Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) instruments are currently used in Germany: a survey (2024) Kudelka J, Ollenschläger M, Dodel R, Eskofier B, Hobert MA, Jahn K, Klucken J, et al. Journal article Synaptic dysfunction and extracellular matrix dysregulation in dopaminergic neurons from sporadic and E326K-GBA1 Parkinson’s disease patients (2024) Rosh I, Tripathi U, Hussein Y, Rike WA, Djamus J, Shklyar B, Manole A, et al. Journal article Distinct forebrain regions define a dichotomous astrocytic profile in multiple system atrophy (2024) Schneider Y, Gauer C, Andert M, Hoffmann A, Riemenschneider MJ, Krebs W, Chalmers N, et al. Journal article Radar-Based Tremor Quantification Using Deep Learning for Improved Parkinson’s and Palliative Care Assessment (2024) Mejdani D, Bräunig J, GrießHammer SG, Krauß D, Steigleder T, Engel L, Jukic J, et al. Journal article Alpha-synuclein fine-tunes neuronal response to pro-inflammatory cytokines (2024) Sigutova V, Xiang W, Regensburger M, Winner B, Prots I Journal article 3D Body Twin: Improving Human Gait Visualizations Using Personalized Avatars (2024) Zieger D, Güthlein F, Henningson JO, Jakob V, Gaßner H, Shanbhag J, Fleischmann S, et al. Conference contribution A Short Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Quality of Life Scale (2024) Jensen I, Stiel S, Bebermeier S, Schrag A, Greten S, Doll-Lee J, Wegner F, et al. Journal article α-Synuclein Seed Amplification Assays from Blood-Based Extracellular Vesicles in Parkinson's Disease: An Evaluation of the Evidence (2024) Bernhardt AM, Nemati M, Boros FA, Hopfner F, Levin J, Mollenhauer B, Winkler J, et al. Journal article