Lehrstuhl für Kunststofftechnik (LKT)


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Prozessabhängigkeit der dielektrischen Eigenschaften im FFF von COC () Romeis M, Ehrngruber M, Drummer D Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Mechanisms, strategies and materials in support-free low temperature powder bed fusion (2025) Drummer D, Schlicht S Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Process-Dependent Variations in the Proliferation of Myoblasts, Fibroblasts and Chondrocytes on Laser-Sintered Polypropylene (2025) Detsch R, Schlicht S, Nawaz Q, Boccaccini AR, Drummer D Journal article, Original article Prozess- und werkstoffbedingte Verarbeitungsgrenzen thermoplastisch amorpher Dünnwandbauteile (2025) Rösel U, Drummer D Conference contribution, Conference Contribution Influence of Application Conditions on the Magnetic Properties of Recycled Polymer-Bonded Magnets Based on Thermoplastics and Ferrite-Based Fillers (2025) Rösel U, Drummer D Journal article, Review article Investigation of different process routes for joining thermoplastic composite/steel joints via the embedding of cold formed metallic pin structures (2024) Popp J, Drummer D Journal article Composite electroforming of precision Ni-P-PTFE mold inserts with low internal stress and self-lubricating properties (2024) Ma Z, Jiang B, Drummer D, Zhang L Journal article Ti3C2Tx-UHMWPE nanocomposites—Towards an enhanced wear-resistance of biomedical implants (2024) Rothammer B, Feile K, Werner S, Frank R, Bartz M, Wartzack S, Schubert DW, et al. Journal article, Original article Influence of Different Filler Systems on the Thermal Conductivity and Mechanical Properties of Thermosets (2024) Rösel U, Drummer D Journal article Low temperature powder bed fusion of polyamide 6: transient process characteristics and process-dependent part properties (2024) Schlicht S, Gabriel C, Drummer D Journal article, Original article