Lehrstuhl für Technische Mechanik (LTM)


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Multisource energy harvesting using (Ba,Ca)(Zr,Ti)O3 oscillating under temperature gradient () Yamamoto R, Schwarz M, Martin A, Mergheim J, Kakimoto Ki Journal article Immune cells employ intermittent integrin-mediated traction forces for 3D migration (2025) Czerwinski T, Bischof L, Böhringer D, Kara-Kocak S, Strissel P, Strick R, Winterl A, et al. Unpublished / Preprint Mechanical characteristics of spinal cord tissue by indentation (2025) Neumann O, Surana HV, Melly SK, Steinmann P, Budday S Journal article Crosslinking degree variations enable programming and controlling soft fracture via sideways cracking (2024) Moreno Mateos MA, Steinmann P Journal article A novel pseudo-rigid body approach to the non-linear dynamics of soft micro-particles in dilute viscous flow (2024) Wedel J, Hriberšek M, Ravnik J, Steinmann P Journal article Model-driven exploration of poro-viscoelasticity in human brain tissue: be careful with the parameters! (2024) Greiner A, Reiter N, Hinrichsen J, Kainz MP, Sommer G, Holzapfel GA, Steinmann P, et al. Journal article Investigating fracture mechanisms in glassy polymers using coupled particle-continuum simulations (2024) Zhao W, Jain Y, Müller-Plathe F, Steinmann P, Pfaller S Journal article The mechanical and sensory signature of plant-based and animal meat (2024) St. Pierre SR, Darwin EC, Adil D, Aviles MC, Date A, Dunne RA, Lall Y, et al. Journal article Approximate frequency analysis of isotropic shear beams using initial value method (2024) Artan R, Nur C, Guclu G, Demirkan E, Çelik M Journal article Impact of the unimodal molar mass distribution on the mechanical behavior of polymer nanocomposites below the glass transition temperature: A generic, coarse-grained molecular dynamics study (2024) Ries M, Laubert L, Steinmann P, Pfaller S Journal article