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Professur für Elektrolyt- und Kreislaufforschung
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Medizinische Fakultät
Einrichtungen, die zum Universitätsklinikum Erlangen gehören
Department of Medicine 4 – Nephrology and Hypertension
Lehrstuhl für Innere Medizin IV
Types of publications
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Journal article
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Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
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Unpublished / Preprint
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Filters (inactive)
Contributions of renal water loss and skin water conservation to blood pressure elevation in spontaneously hypertensive rats (2022)
Ogura T, Kitada K, Morisawa N, Fujisawa Y, Kidoguchi S, Nakano D, Kobara H, et al.
Journal article
Tolvaptan induces body fluid loss and subsequent water conservation in normal rats (2022)
Kidoguchi S, Kitada K, Fujisawa Y, Nakano D, Yokoo T, Titze J, Nishiyama A
Journal article
The Contribution of Plasma Urea to Total Osmolality During Iatrogenic Fluid Reduction in Critically Ill Patients (2021)
Nihlen S, Frithiof R, Titze J, Kawati R, Rasmusson J, Rylander C, Pikwer A, et al.
Journal article
Aestivation motifs explain hypertension and muscle mass loss in mice with psoriatic skin barrier defect (2021)
Wild J, Jung R, Knopp T, Efentakis P, Benaki D, Grill A, Wegner J, et al.
Journal article
Sodium Handling and Interaction in Numerous Organs (2020)
Minegishi S, Luft FC, Titze J, Kitada K
Journal article
Organ protection by SGLT2 inhibitors: role of metabolic energy and water conservation (2020)
Marton A, Kaneko T, Kovalik JP, Yasui A, Nishiyama A, Kitada K, Titze J
Journal article, Review article
Renal sympathetic nerve activity regulates cardiovascular energy expenditure in rats fed high salt (2020)
Morisawa N, Kitada K, Fujisawa Y, Nakano D, Yamazaki D, Kobuchi S, Li L, et al.
Journal article
Sodium and water handling during hemodialysis: new pathophysiologic insights and management approaches for improving outcomes in end-stage kidney disease (2019)
Canaud B, Kooman J, Selby NM, Taal M, Francis S, Kopperschmidt P, Maierhofer A, et al.
Journal article, Review article
HIF1A and NFAT5 coordinate Na+-boosted antibacterial defense via enhanced autophagy and autolysosomal targeting (2019)
Neubert P, Weichselbaum A, Reitinger C, Schatz V, Schröder A, Ferdinand JR, Simon M, et al.
Journal article
Salt Sensitivity of Angiogenesis Inhibition-Induced Blood Pressure Rise: Role of Interstitial Sodium Accumulation? (2017)
Lankhorst S, Severs D, Marko L, Rakova N, Titze J, Mueller DN, Danser AHJ, Van Den Meiracker AH
Journal article