Lehrstuhl für Paläoumwelt


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Reading traces of the past - the Burghöhle Wolfsegg as meeting place for humans, cave lions and co. Spurenlesen in der Vergangenheit - die Burghohle Wolfsegg als Treffpunkt fur Mensch, Hohlenlowe und Co. (2023) Hilpert B Journal article Mechanistic neutral models show that sampling biases drive the apparent explosion of early tetrapod diversity (2023) Dunne E, Thompson SE, Butler RJ, Rosindell J, Close RA Journal article BioDeepTime: A database of biodiversity time series for modern and fossil assemblages (2023) Smith J, Rillo MC, Kocsis Á, Dornelas M, Fastovich D, Huang HHM, Jonkers L, et al. Journal article Spurenlesen in der Vergangenheit - die Burghöhle Wolfsegg als Treffpunkt für Mensch, Höhlenlöwe und Co. (2023) Hilpert B Journal article Climate change disrupts core habitats of marine species (2023) Hodapp D, Roca IT, Fiorentino D, Garilao C, Kaschner K, Kesner-Reyes K, Schneider B, et al. Journal article Stable carbon and oxygen isotope geochemistry as provenance indicator for the picture stones on Gotland (Sweden) (2023) Hänsel P, Oehrl S, Ideström L, Widerström P, Reddin CJ, Munnecke A Journal article The unexpected species richness of Arctic rhodolith beds (2023) Pyko I, Wisshak M, Knebelsberger T, Halfar J, Hetzinger S, Teichert S Conference contribution, Abstract of lecture Southward Migration of Arctic Ocean Species During the Last Glacial Period (2022) Zhang P, Huang HH, Hong Y, Tian SY, Liu J, Il Lee Y, Chen J, et al. Journal article Coupling of geographic range and provincialism in Cambrian marine invertebrates (2022) Na L, Kocsis Á, Li Q, Kießling W Journal article Hotspots of cenozoic tropical marine biodiversity (2022) Yasuhara M, Huang HHM, Reuter M, Tian SY, Cybulski JD, O'Dea A, Mamo BL, et al. Authored book