Energie-Campus Nürnberg (EnCN)


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




Economic comparison of electric fuels for heavy duty mobility produced at excellent global sites-a 2035 scenario (2023) Runge P, Sölch C, Albert J, Wasserscheid P, Zöttl G, Grimm V Journal article Electric Vehicle Cost in 2035: The impact of market penetration and charging strategies (2022) Schwab J, Sölch C, Zöttl G Journal article, Original article Emissions reduction in a second-best world: On the long-term effects of overlapping regulations (2022) Grimm V, Sölch C, Zöttl G Journal article, Original article A path to a dynamic hydrogen storage system using a liquid organic hydrogen carrier (LOHC): Burner-based direct heating of the dehydrogenation unit (2022) Bollmann J, Schmidt N, Beck D, Preuster P, Zigan L, Wasserscheid P, Will S Journal article, Original article Risk aversion in multilevel electricity market models with different congestion pricing regimes (2022) Ambrosius M, Egerer J, Grimm V, van der Weijde AH Journal article Market-based Redispatch May Result in Inefficient Dispatch (2022) Grimm V, Martin A, Sölch C, Weibelzahl M, Zöttl G Journal article, Original article The Impact of Neighboring Markets on Renewable Locations, Transmission Expansion, and Generation Investment (2021) Egerer J, Grimm V, Kleinert T, Schmidt M, Zöttl G Journal article, Original article Data Documentation for the German Electricity Market Used for the Calibration of the GATE Model - NDP 2030 (Version 2017) (2021) Ambrosius M, Grimm V, Rückel B, Sölch C, Zöttl G Other publication type Outer Approximation for Global Optimization of Mixed-Integer Quadratic Bilevel Problems (2021) Kleinert T, Grimm V, Schmidt M Journal article, Original article Accelerated lifetime testing of thin-film solar cells at high irradiances and controlled temperatures (2021) Burlafinger K, Strohm S, Joisten C, Woiton M, Classen A, Hepp J, Heumüller T, et al. Journal article