Professur für Experimentelle Augenheilkunde


Types of publications

Journal article
Book chapter / Article in edited volumes
Authored book
Edited Volume
Conference contribution
Other publication type
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year




ERG signals elicited by temporal white noise in macaques (2022) Kremers J, Aher A, Parry N, Patel NB, Frishman LJ Conference contribution A novel approach to analyze white noise ERGs in mice (2022) Stallwitz N, Joachimsthaler A, Kremers J Conference contribution How the use of dim red-light pre-recording affects ERG responses of mice with long-wavelength shifted opsin (2022) Joachimsthaler A, Stallwitz N, Kremers J Conference contribution The effect of sinusoidally modulating backgrounds on flash electroretinograms (2022) Aher A, Huchzermeyer C, Kremers J Conference contribution Comparing functional defects measured by mfERG and standard automated perimetry in patients under (hydroxy-)chloroquine therapy (2022) Huchzermeyer C, Kremers J Conference contribution Complementarity of sensitivity and just noticeable difference in the study of Retinitis Pigmentosa and Stargardt disease (2022) Fars J, Kremers J, Huchzermeyer C Conference contribution Chromatic discrimination measures in mature observers depend on the response window (2022) Fars J, Fernandes TP, Huchzermeyer C, Kremers J, Paramei GV Journal article The Association Between Acquired Color Deficiency and PET Imaging of Neurodegeneration in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer Disease (2022) Vidal KSM, Decleva D, Barboni MTS, Nagy BV, De Menezes PAH, Aher A, Coutinho AM, et al. Journal article Serum levels of olanzapine are associated with acute cognitive effects in bipolar disorder (2022) Shoshina II, Almeida NL, Oliveira ME, Trombetta BN, Silva GM, Fars J, Santos NA, Fernandes TP Journal article Retinal dystrophins and the retinopathy of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (2022) Barboni MTS, Joachimsthaler A, Roux MJ, Nagy ZZ, Ventura DF, Rendon A, Kremers J, Vaillend C Journal article, Review article