Frontiers in Digital Health

ISSN: 2673-253X
Publisher: Frontiers Media

Publications (8)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Lessons learned from a multimodal sensor-based eHealth approach for treating pediatric obsessive-compulsive disorder () Klein CS, Hollmann K, Kühnhausen J, Alt AK, Pascher A, Seizer L, Primbs J, et al. Journal article An automatic measure for speech intelligibility in dysarthrias—validation across multiple languages and neurological disorders (2024) Tröger J, Dörr F, Schwed L, Linz N, König A, Thies T, Orozco-Arroyave JR, Rusz J Journal article Using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research to evaluate a nationwide depression prevention project (ImplementIT) from the perspective of health care workers and implementers: Results on the implementation of digital interventions for farmers (2023) Freund J, Ebert DD, Thielecke J, Braun L, Baumeister H, Berking M, Titzler I Journal article A summary of the ComParE COVID-19 challenges (2023) Coppock H, Akman A, Bergler C, Gerczuk M, Brown C, Chauhan J, Grammenos A, et al. Journal article Personalised depression forecasting using mobile sensor data and ecological momentary assessment (2022) Kathan A, Harrer M, Küster L, Triantafyllopoulos A, He X, Milling M, Gerczuk M, et al. Journal article The Disruption of Trust in the Digital Transformation Leading to Health 4.0 (2022) Guckert M, Milanovic K, Hannig J, Simon D, Wettengl T, Evers D, Kleyer A, et al. Journal article, Review article Improving Dyspnoea Symptom Control of Patients in Palliative Care Using a Smart Patch-A Proof of Concept Study (2021) Kamal Mallick M, Biser S, Haridas A, Umesh V, Toensing O, Abdullahi I, Ollenschläger M, et al. Journal article, Original article Predicting Anxiety in Routine Palliative Care Using Bayesian-Inspired Association Rule Mining (2021) Haas O, Lopera Gonzalez LI, Hofmann S, Ostgathe C, Maier A, Rothgang E, Amft O, Steigleder T Journal article, Original article