Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing
ISSN: 2504-4494
Publisher: MDPI
Publications (24)
Material Parameter Identification for a Stress-State-Dependent Ductile Damage and Failure Model Applied to Clinch Joining (2024)
Friedlein J, Böhnke M, Schlichter M, Bobbert M, Meschut G, Mergheim J, Steinmann P
Journal article
Revealing the Mechanisms of Smoke during Electron Beam–Powder Bed Fusion by High-Speed Synchrotron Radiography (2024)
Ye J, Semjatov N, Bidola P, Lindwall G, Körner C
Journal article
Innovative Process Strategies in Powder-Based Multi-Material Additive Manufacturing (2023)
Setter R, Hafenecker J, Rothfelder R, Kopp SP, Roth S, Schmidt M, Merklein M, Wudy K
Journal article
Thin-Walled Part Properties in Powder Bed Fusion of Polymers—A Comparative Study on Temperature Development and Part Performance Depending on Part Thickness and Orientation (2023)
Jaksch A, Cholewa S, Drummer D
Journal article
A Ray Tracing Model for Electron Optical Imaging in Electron Beam Powder Bed Fusion (2023)
Renner J, Grund J, Markl M, Körner C
Journal article
Investigation of the Shape and Detectability of Pores with X-ray Computed Tomography (2023)
Baumgärtner B, Hussein J, Hausotte T
Journal article, Review article
Evaluation of Additively-Manufactured Internal Geometrical Features Using X-ray-Computed Tomography (2023)
Baumgärtner B, Rothfelder R, Greiner S, Breuning C, Renner J, Schmidt M, Drummer D, et al.
Journal article, Review article
Influence of Novel Beam Shapes on Laser-Based Processing of High-Strength Aluminium Alloys on the Basis of EN AW-5083 Single Weld Tracks (2023)
Nahr F, Bartels D, Rothfelder R, Schmidt M
Journal article
Influence of Novel Beam Shapes on Laser-Based Processing of High-Strength Aluminium Alloys on the Basis of EN AW-5083 Single Weld Tracks (2023)
Nahr F, Bartels D, Rothfelder R, Schmidt M
Journal article
Alternating Additive Manufacturing and Forming - An Innovative Manufacturing Approach (2023)
Papke T, Hafenecker J, Römisch D, März R, Hentschel O, Bartels D, Schmidt M, Merklein M
Journal article, Online publication