
ISSN: 2334-2536
Publisher: Optical Society of America

Publications (57)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Femtosecond streaking in ambient air (2020) Korobenko A, Johnston K, Kubullek M, Arissian L, Dube Z, Wang T, Kubel M, et al. Journal article Ultrafast spinning twisted ribbons of confined electric fields (2020) Bauer T, Khonina SN, Golub I, Leuchs G, Banzer P Journal article X-ray phase tomography with near-field speckles for three-dimensional virtual histology (2020) Zdora MC, Thibault P, Kuo W, Fernandez V, Deyhle H, Vila-Comamala J, Olbinado MP, et al. Journal article Rotational quantum beat lasing without inversion (2020) Richter M, Lytova M, Morales F, Haessler S, Smirnova O, Spanner M, Ivanov M Journal article Sub-two-cycle octave-spanning mid-infrared fiber laser (2020) Huang J, Pang M, Jiang X, Köttig F, Schade D, He W, Butryn M, Russell PSJ Journal article Coherently refreshing hypersonic phonons for light storage (2020) Stiller B, Merklein M, Wolff C, Vu K, Ma P, Madden SJ, Eggleton BJ Journal article Vector-light quantum complementarity and the degree of polarization (2020) Norrman A, Friberg AT, Leuchs G Journal article Single-shot carrier–envelope-phase measurement in ambient air (2020) Kubullek M, Wang Z, Von Der Brelje K, Zimin D, Rosenberger P, Schoetz J, Neuhaus M, et al. Journal article Squeezed vacuum states from a whispering gallery mode resonator (2019) Otterpohl A, Sedlmeir F, Vogl U, Dirmeier T, Shafiee G, Schunk G, Strekalov DV, et al. Journal article Coupled ptychography and tomography algorithm improves reconstruction of experimental data (2019) Kahnt M, Becher J, Brueckner D, Fam Y, Sheppard T, Weissenberger T, Wittwer F, et al. Journal article
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