
ISSN: 2334-2536
Publisher: Optical Society of America

Publications (57)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Nonlinear enhanced microresonator gyroscope (2021) Silver JM, Del Bino L, Woodley MTM, Ghalanos GN, Svela AO, Moroney N, Zhang S, et al. Journal article Modulating the polarization of broadband terahertz pulses from a spintronic emitter at rates up to 10 kHz (2021) Gueckstock O, Nadvornik L, Seifert TS, Borchert M, Jakob G, Schmidt G, Woltersdorf G, et al. Journal article Petahertz-scale nonlinear photoconductive sampling in air (2021) Zimin D, Weidman M, Schoetz J, Kling MF, Yakovlev VS, Krausz F, Karpowicz N Journal article Experimental Fock-state bunching capability of non-ideal single-photon states (2021) Zapletal P, Darras T, Le Jeannic H, Cavailles A, Guccione G, Laurat J, Filip R Journal article Light-field-driven current control in solids with pJ-level laser pulses at 80 MHz repetition rate (2021) Hanus V, Csajbok V, Papa Z, Budai J, Marton Z, Kiss GZ, Sandor P, et al. Journal article Sub-cycle valleytronics: control of valley polarization using few-cycle linearly polarized pulses (2021) Jimenez-Galan A, Silva REF, Smirnova O, Ivanov M Journal article Disentangling x-ray dichroism and birefringence via high-purity polarimetry (2021) Schmitt AT, Joly Y, Schulze KS, Marx-Glowna B, Uschmann I, Grabiger B, Bernhardt H, et al. Journal article Material-specific imaging of nanolayers using extreme ultraviolet coherence tomography (2021) Wiesner F, Wuensche M, Reinhard J, Abel JJ, Nathanael J, Skruszewicz S, Roedel C, et al. Journal article Soft x-ray microscopy with 7 nm resolution (2020) Roesner B, Finizio S, Koch F, Doring F, Guzenko VA, Langer M, Kirk E, et al. Journal article Erratum: Dispersion-engineered nanocomposites enable achromatic diffractive optical elements (Optica (2019) 6 (1031-1038) DOI: 10.1364/OPTICA.6.001031) (2020) Werdehausen D, Burger S, Staude I, Pertsch T, Decker M Journal article, Erratum