
ISSN: 2334-2536
Publisher: Optical Society of America

Publications (57)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Thermodynamic control of soliton dynamics in liquid-core fibers (2018) Chemnitz M, Scheibinger R, Gaida C, Gebhardt M, Stutzki F, Pumpe S, Kobelke J, et al. Journal article Quick x-ray microtomography using a laser-driven betatron source (2018) Dopp A, Hehn L, Goetzfried J, Wenz J, Gilljohann M, Ding H, Schindler S, et al. Journal article Elements of a dielectric laser accelerator (2018) McNeur J, Kozak M, Schönenberger N, Leedle KJ, Deng H, Ceballos A, Hoogland H, et al. Journal article, Letter Quantum metrology at the limit with extremal majorana constellations (2017) Bouchard F, De La Hoz P, Bjork G, Boyd RW, Grassl M, Hradil Z, Karimi E, et al. Journal article Fiber interferometer for hybrid optical and optoacoustic intravital microscopy (2017) Shnaiderman R, Wissmeyer G, Seeger M, Soliman D, Estrada H, Razansky D, Rosenthal A, Ntziachristos V Journal article High-dimensional intracity quantum cryptography with structured photons (2017) Sit A, Bouchard F, Fickler R, Gagnon-Bischoff J, Larocque H, Heshami K, Elser D, et al. Journal article Optical coherence tomography with nanoscale axial resolution using a laser-driven high-harmonic source (2017) Fuchs S, Wuesnsche M, Nathanael J, Abel JJ, Roedel C, Biedermann J, Reinhard J, et al. Journal article Hyperradiance from collective behavior of coherently driven atoms (2017) Pleinert MO, von Zanthier J, Agarwal GS Journal article Quantum-limited measurements of optical signals from a geostationary satellite (2017) Günthner K, Khan I, Elser DA, Stiller B, Bayraktar Ö, Mueller CR, Saucke K, et al. Journal article Superresolution via structured illumination quantum correlation microscopy (2017) Classen A, von Zanthier J, Scully MO, Agarwal GS Journal article