Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology

Journal Abbreviation: CURR TOP MICROBIOL
ISSN: 0070-217X
Publisher: Springer Verlag Kg

Publications (18)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Pathogenomics of Helicobacter pylori (2023) Yamaoka Y, Saruuljavkhlan B, Alfaray RI, Linz B Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Gastric Epithelial Barrier Disruption, Inflammation and Oncogenic Signal Transduction by Helicobacter pylori (2023) Naumann M, Ferino L, Sharafutdinov I, Backert S Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Helicobacter pylori-Induced Host Cell DNA Damage and Genetics of Gastric Cancer Development (2023) Backert S, Linz B, Tegtmeyer N Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Human Campylobacteriosis-A Serious Infectious Threat in a One Health Perspective (2021) Heimesaat MM, Backert S, Alter T, Bereswill S Journal article, Review article Campylobacter Virulence Factors and Molecular Host-Pathogen Interactions (2021) Tegtmeyer N, Sharafutdinov I, Harrer A, Soltan Esmaeili D, Linz B, Backert S Journal article Fc Mediated Activity of Antibodies Structural and Functional Diversity Preface (2019) Ravetch JV, Nimmerjahn F Journal article, Editorial Genetic polymorphisms in inflammatory and other regulators in gastric cancer: Risks and clinical consequences (2019) Rudnicka K, Backert S, Chmiela M Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Mechanisms of inflammasome signaling, microRNA induction and resolution of inflammation by helicobacter pylori (2019) Suneesh Kumar P, Blaser N, Backert S Book chapter / Article in edited volumes Type IV Secretion in Gram-Negative and Gram-Positive Bacteria (2017) Backert S, Grohmann E Edited Volume Erratum to: Type IV Secretion in Gram-Negative and Gram-Positive Bacteria (2017) Backert S, Grohmann E Journal article, Erratum