Communications in Mathematical Physics
Journal Abbreviation: COMMUN MATH PHYS
ISSN: 0010-3616
eISSN: 1432-0916
Publisher: Springer Verlag (Germany)
Publications (72)
S-duality for the Large N = 4 Superconformal Algebra (2020)
Creutzig T, Gaiotto D, Linshaw AR
Journal article
Hamiltonian Monodromy and Morse Theory (2019)
Martynchuk N, Broer HW, Efstathiou K
Journal article
Spectral Flow of Monopole Insertion in Topological Insulators (2019)
Carey AL, Schulz-Baldes H
Journal article
Onsager’s Conjecture with Physical Boundaries and an Application to the Vanishing Viscosity Limit (2019)
Bardos C, Titi ES, Wiedemann E
Journal article
Braided Tensor Categories of Admissible Modules for Affine Lie Algebras (2018)
Creutzig T, Huang YZ, Yang J
Journal article
SO(d, 1) -Invariant Yang–Baxter Operators and the dS/CFT Correspondence (2018)
Hollands S, Lechner G
Journal article
Mixing Properties of Stochastic Quantum Hamiltonians (2017)
Onorati E, Buerschaper O, Kliesch M, Brown W, Werner AH, Eisert J
Journal article
Orbifolds and Cosets of Minimal W -Algebras (2017)
Arakawa T, Creutzig T, Kawasetsu K, Linshaw AR
Journal article
Inverse Scattering and Local Observable Algebras in Integrable Quantum Field Theories (2017)
Alazzawi S, Lechner G
Journal article
Uniqueness of the Representation in Homogeneous Isotropic LQC (2017)
Engle J, Hanusch M, Thiemann T
Journal article