Communications in Mathematical Physics
Journal Abbreviation: COMMUN MATH PHYS
ISSN: 0010-3616
eISSN: 1432-0916
Publisher: Springer Verlag (Germany)
Publications (72)
Scaling Limits of Lattice Quantum Fields by Wavelets (2021)
Morinelli V, Morsella G, Stottmeister A, Tanimoto Y
Journal article
Standard Subspaces of Hilbert Spaces of Holomorphic Functions on Tube Domains (2021)
Neeb KH, Ørsted B, Ólafsson G
Journal article
Covariant Homogeneous Nets of Standard Subspaces (2021)
Morinelli V, Neeb KH
Journal article
Poisson-geometric Analogues of Kitaev Models (2021)
Spies A
Journal article
Dimensional Reduction and Scattering Formulation for Even Topological Invariants (2021)
Schulz-Baldes H, Toniolo D
Journal article
Asymptotic Growth of the Local Ground-State Entropy of the Ideal Fermi Gas in a Constant Magnetic Field (2020)
Leschke H, Sobolev A, Spitzer W
Journal article
Ripples in Graphene: A Variational Approach (2020)
Friedrich M, Stefanelli U
Journal article
Vertex Algebras for S-duality (2020)
Creutzig T, Gaiotto D
Journal article
Cusp Universality for Random Matrices I: Local Law and the Complex Hermitian Case (2020)
Erdos L, Krueger T, Schroeder D
Journal article
Braided Tensor Categories Related to Bp Vertex Algebras (2020)
Auger J, Creutzig T, Kanade S, Rupert M
Journal article