Colloids and Surfaces B-Biointerfaces
Journal Abbreviation: COLLOID SURFACE B
ISSN: 0927-7765
Publisher: Elsevier
Publications (7)
Effect of protein adsorption on the dissolution kinetics of silica nanoparticles (2022)
Ali MS, Uttinger M, Romeis S, Schmidt J, Peukert W
Journal article, Original article
SPIONs functionalized with small peptides for binding of lipopolysaccharide, a pathophysiologically relevant microbial product. (2018)
Karawacka W, Janko C, Unterweger H, Mühlberger M, Lyer S, Taccardi N, Mokhir A, et al.
Journal article
Highly dispersed lithium doped mesoporous silica nanospheres regulating adhesion, proliferation, morphology, ALP activity and osteogenesis related gene expressions of BMSCs. (2018)
Zhang J, Cai L, Tang L, Zhang X, Yang L, Zheng K, He A, et al.
Journal article
Studies on the adsorption and desorption of mitoxantrone to lauric acid/albumin coated iron oxide nanoparticles (2018)
Zaloga J, Feoktystov A, Garamus VM, Karawacka W, Ioffe A, Brueckel T, Tietze R, et al.
Journal article
Synthesis of copper-containing bioactive glass nanoparticles using a modified Stöber method for biomedical applications (2017)
Zheng K, Dai X, Lu M, Hueser N, Taccardi N, Boccaccini AR
Journal article, Original article
45S5Bioglass®-based scaffolds coated with selenium nanoparticles or with poly(lactide-co-glycolide)/selenium particles: Processing, evaluation and antibacterial activity (2015)
Stevanovic M, Filipovic N, Djurdjevic J, Lukic M, Milenkovic M, Boccaccini AR
Journal article, Original article
Albumin Coating on Magnesium via Linker Molecules – Comparing Different Coating Mechanisms (2013)
Wagener V, Killian M, Turhan CM, Virtanen S
Journal article