Journal of Biological Chemistry

Journal Abbreviation: J BIOL CHEM
ISSN: 0021-9258
eISSN: 1083-351X
Publisher: American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Publications (95)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Single expressed glycine receptor domains reconstitute functional ion channels without subunit-specific desensitization behavior (2014) Meiselbach H, Vogel N, Langlhofer G, Stangl S, Schleyer B, Bahnassawy L, Sticht H, et al. Journal article Generation and characterization of function-blocking anti-ectodysplasin A (EDA) monoclonal antibodies that induce ectodermal dysplasia (2014) Kowalczyk-Quintas C, Willen L, Anh Thu Dang , Sarrasin H, Tardivel A, Hermes K, Schneider H, et al. Journal article ?-Arrestin Promotes Wnt-induced Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor-related Protein 6 (Lrp6) Phosphorylation via Increased Membrane Recruitment of Amer1 Protein (2014) Kriz V, Pospichalova V, Masek J, Kilander MBC, Slavik J, Tanneberger K, Schulte G, et al. Journal article The hypoxia-inducible factor renders cancer cells more sensitive to vitamin C-induced toxicity (2014) Tian W, Wang Y, Xu Y, Guo X, Wang B, Sun L, Liu L, et al. Journal article Proteolytic activation of the human epithelial sodium channel by trypsin IV and trypsin I involves distinct cleavage sites (2014) Härteis S, Krappitz A, Krappitz M, Murphy JE, Bertog M, Krüger B, Nacken R, et al. Journal article Cathepsin S causes inflammatory pain via biased agonism of PAR2 and TRPV4 (2014) Zhao P, Lieu T, Barlow N, Metcalf M, Veldhuis NA, Jensen DD, Kocan M, et al. Journal article Matrilin-1 is essential for zebrafish development by facilitating collagen II secretion (2014) Neacsu CD, Ko YP, Tagariello A, Karlsen KR, Neiss WF, Paulsson M, Wagener R Journal article Gene Trap Mice Reveal an Essential Function of Dual Specificity Phosphatase Dusp16/MKP-7 in Perinatal Survival and Regulation of Toll-like Receptor (TLR)-induced Cytokine Production (2014) Niedzielska M, Bodendorfer B, Muench S, Eichner A, Derigs M, Da Costa O, Schweizer A, et al. Journal article Inherited pain: sodium channel Nav1.7 A1632T mutation causes erythromelalgia due to a shift of fast inactivation (2014) Eberhardt M, Nakajima J, Klinger A, Neacsu C, Hühne K, o' Reilly A, Kist A, et al. Journal article Functional analysis of dishevelled-3 phosphorylation identifies distinct mechanisms driven by casein kinase 1ϵ and frizzled5. (2014) Bernatik O, Sedova K, Schille C, Ganji RS, Cervenka I, Trantirek L, Schambony A, et al. Journal article, Original article