IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
Journal Abbreviation: IEEE T VIS COMPUT GR
ISSN: 1077-2626
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Publications (43)
Objective Lagrangian Vortex Cores and their Visual Representations (2024)
Günther T, Theisel H
Journal article
Trajectory Vorticity - Computation and Visualization of Rotational Trajectory Behavior in an Objective Way (2024)
Friederici A, Theisel H, Günther T
Journal article
Injured Avatars: The Impact of Embodied Anatomies and Virtual Injuries on Well-being and Performance (2023)
Kleinbeck C, Schieber H, Kreimeier J, Martin-Gomez A, Unberath M, Roth D
Journal article
STTAR: Surgical Tool Tracking using Off-the-Shelf Augmented Reality Head-Mounted Displays (2023)
Martin-Gomez A, Li H, Song T, Yang S, Wang G, Ding H, Navab N, et al.
Journal article
The Impact of Focus and Context Visualization Techniques on Depth Perception in Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Displays (2022)
Martin-Gomez A, Weiss J, Keller A, Eck U, Roth D, Navab N
Journal article
Projective Bisector Mirror (PBM): Concept and Rationale (2022)
Yu K, Zacharis K, Eck U, Navab N
Journal article
Content-Aware Brightness Solving and Error Mitigation in Large-Scale Multi-Projection Mapping (2022)
Kurth P, Leuschner M, Stamminger M, Bauer F
Journal article, Original article
Duplicated Reality for Co-located Augmented Reality Collaboration (2022)
Yu K, Eck U, Pankratz F, Lazarovici M, Wilhelm D, Navab N
Journal article
Comparing Direct and Indirect Methods of Audio Quality Evaluation in Virtual Reality Scenes of Varying Complexity (2022)
Robotham T, Rummukainen OS, Kurz M, Eckert M, Habets E
Journal article
A Survey of Smooth Vector Graphics: Recent Advances in Representation, Creation, Rasterization and Image Vectorization (2022)
Tian X, Günther T
Journal article