New Journal of Physics
Journal Abbreviation: NEW J PHYS
ISSN: 1367-2630
Publisher: Institute of Physics: Open Access Journals / Institute of Physics (IoP) and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft
Publications (166)
Filters (inactive)
Entanglement of Gaussian states and the applicability to quantum key distribution over fading channels (2012)
Usenko VC, Heim B, Peuntinger C, Wittmann C, Marquardt C, Leuchs G, Filip R
Journal article
Frequency decoding of periodically timed action potentials through distinct activity patterns in a random neural network (2012)
Reichenbach T, Hudspeth AJ
Journal article
Interaction of ultrashort laser pulses with metal nanotips: a model system for strong-field phenomena (2012)
Krüger M, Schenk M, Hommelhoff P, Wachter G, Lemell C, Burgdoerfer J
Journal article
Two intertwined facets of adherent membranes: membrane roughness and correlations between ligand-receptors bonds (2011)
Reister E, Bihr T, Seifert U, Smith AS
Journal article, Original article
After-gate attack on a quantum cryptosystem (2011)
Wiechers C, Lydersen L, Wittmann C, Elser DA, Skaar J, Marquardt C, Makarov V, Leuchs G
Journal article
Planar microwave structures for electron guiding (2011)
Hoffrogge J, Hommelhoff P
Journal article
Image potential states as a quantum probe of graphene interfaces (2010)
Bose S, Silkin VM, Ohmann R, Brihuega I, Vitali L, Michaelis C, Mallet P, et al.
Journal article
The edge of neutral evolution in social dilemmas (2009)
Cremer J, Reichenbach T, Frey E
Journal article
Feasibility of free space quantum key distribution with coherent polarization states (2009)
Heim B, Leuchs G
Journal article
A complete basis of generalized Bell states (2009)
Sych D, Leuchs G
Journal article