Reichenbach T, Hudspeth AJ (2012)
Publication Type: Journal article
Publication year: 2012
Book Volume: 14
Article Number: 113022
DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/14/11/113022
Frequency discrimination is a fundamental task of the auditory system. The mammalian inner ear, or cochlea, provides a place code in which different frequencies are detected at different spatial locations. However, a temporal code based on spike timing is also available: action potentials evoked in an auditory-nerve fiber by a low-frequency tone occur at a preferred phase of the stimulus - they exhibit phase locking - and thus provide temporal information about the tone's frequency. Humans employ this temporal information for discrimination of low frequencies. How might such temporal information be read out in the brain? Here we employ statistical and numerical methods to demonstrate that recurrent random neural networks in which connections between neurons introduce characteristic time delays, and in which neurons require temporally coinciding inputs for spike initiation, can perform sharp frequency discrimination when stimulated with phase-locked inputs. Although the frequency resolution achieved by such networks is limited by the noise in phase locking, the resolution for realistic values reaches the tiny frequency difference of 0.2% that has been measured in humans. © IOP Publishing and Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft.
Reichenbach, T., & Hudspeth, A.J. (2012). Frequency decoding of periodically timed action potentials through distinct activity patterns in a random neural network. New Journal of Physics, 14.
Reichenbach, Tobias, and A. J. Hudspeth. "Frequency decoding of periodically timed action potentials through distinct activity patterns in a random neural network." New Journal of Physics 14 (2012).
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