Acm Transactions on Graphics

Journal Abbreviation: ACM T GRAPHIC
ISSN: 0730-0301
eISSN: 1557-7368
Publisher: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

Publications (35)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Variational Feature Extraction in Scientific Visualization (2024) Daßler N, Günther T Journal article NeAT: Neural Adaptive Tomography (2022) Rückert D, Wang Y, Li R, Idoughi R, Heidrich W Journal article, Original article ADOP: Approximate Differentiable One-Pixel Point Rendering (2022) Rückert D, Franke L, Stamminger M Journal article, Original article PhotoApp: Photorealistic appearance editing of head portraits (2021) Mallikarjun BR, Tewari A, Dib A, Weyrich T, Bickel B, Seidel HP, Pfister H, et al. Journal article 3D Morphable Face Modelsa-Past, Present, and Future (2020) Egger B, Smith WAP, Tewari A, Wuhrer S, Zollhoefer M, Beeler T, Bernard F, et al. Journal article Geometry-aware scattering compensation for 3D printing (2019) Sumin D, Rittig T, Babaei V, Nindel T, Wilkie A, Didyk P, Bickel B, et al. Journal article FaceVR: Real-Time Facial Reenactment and Eye Gaze Control in Virtual Reality (2018) Thies J, Zollhöfer M, Stamminger M, Theobalt C, Nießner M Journal article, Original article HeadOn: Real-time Reenactment of Human Portrait Videos (2018) Thies J, Zollhöfer M, Stamminger M, Theobalt C, Nießner M Journal article, Original article Scattering-aware texture reproduction for 3D printing (2017) Elek O, Sumin D, Zhang R, Weyrich T, Myszkowski K, Bickel B, Wilkie A, Krivanek J Journal article A Compressed Representation for Ray Tracing Parametric Surfaces (2017) Selgrad K, Lier A, Martinek M, Buchenau C, Guthe M, Kranz F, Schäfer H, Stamminger M Journal article, Original article
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