Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Journal Abbreviation: J MAGN RESON IMAGING
ISSN: 1053-1807
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Publications (36)
Principles of T2 *-weighted dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI technique in brain tumor imaging (2015)
Shiroishi MS, Castellazzi G, Boxerman JL, D'Amore F, Essig M, Nguyen TB, Provenzale JM, et al.
Journal article
Automatic model-based semantic registration of multimodal MRI knee data (2015)
Xue N, Döllinger M, Fripp J, Ho CP, Surowiec RK, Schwarz R
Journal article
Automatic detection of anatomical landmarks on the knee joint using MRI data (2015)
Xue N, Döllinger M, Ho CP, Surowiec RK, Schwarz R
Journal article
Towards compression-sensitive magnetic resonance elastography of the liver: Sensitivity of harmonic volumetric strain to portal hypertension (2014)
Hirsch S, Reiter R, Schott E, Buening C, Somasundaram R, Braun J, Kroencke TJ, et al.
Journal article
Rapid freehand MR-guided percutaneous needle interventions: An image-based approach to improve workflow and feasibility (2013)
Rothgang E, Gilson WD, Wacker F, Hornegger J, Lorenz CH, Weiss CR
Journal article, Original article
Non-contrast-enhanced MRI of the pulmonary blood volume using two-compartment-modeled T1-relaxation (2012)
Gaass T, Dinkel J, Bauman G, Zaiss M, Hintze C, Haase A, Laun FB
Journal article