Journal of Molecular Modeling
Journal Abbreviation: J MOL MODEL
ISSN: 1610-2940
Publisher: Springer Verlag (Germany)
Publications (62)
Improved GAFF2 parameters for fluorinated alkanes and mixed hydro- and fluorocarbons (2019)
Träg J, Zahn D
Journal article
A Feynman dispersion correction: a proof of principle for MNDO (2018)
Kriebel M, Weber K, Clark T
Journal article
Dispersion and polar flattening: noble gas-halogen complexes (2018)
Legon AC, Sharapa D, Clark T
Journal article
On bond-critical points in QTAIM and weak interactions (2018)
Wick C, Clark T
Journal article
Binding of histamine to the H1 receptora molecular dynamics study (2018)
Söldner C, Horn A, Sticht H
Journal article, Original article
Polarization, donor-acceptor interactions, and covalent contributions in weak interactions: a clarification (2017)
Clark T
Journal article
EMPIRE: a highly parallel semiempirical molecular orbital program: 2: periodic boundary conditions (2015)
Margraf J, Hennemann M, Meyer B, Clark T
Journal article
Mathematical modeling and physical reality in noncovalent interactions (2015)
Politzer P, Murray JS, Clark T
Journal article
Binding properties of SUMO-interacting motifs (SIMs) in yeast (2015)
Jardin C, Horn A, Sticht H
Journal article
Establishing conditions for simulating hydrophobic solutes in electric fields by molecular dynamics Effects of the long-range van der Waals treatment on the apparent particle mobility (2014)
Milicevic Z, Marrink SJ, Smith AS, Smith DM
Journal article, Original article