Journal of Physical Chemistry C

Journal Abbreviation: J PHYS CHEM C
ISSN: 1932-7447
eISSN: 1932-7455
Publisher: American Chemical Society

Publications (325)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Operando Dissolution of RF Magnetron-Sputtered Thin-Film LiCoO2 Cathodes during Galvanostatic Cycling: In Situ Evaluation of Dissolution and Performance Data (2023) Lüchtefeld J, Hemmelmann H, Wachs S, Behling C, Mayrhofer KJ, Elm MT, Berkes BB Journal article Competition of Acetone Reduction and Hydrogen Evolution on Pt Single Crystal Electrodes in the Absence and Presence of the Ionic Liquid [C2C1Im][OTf] (2023) Kastenmeier M, Franz E, Waidhas F, Yang T, Taccardi N, Wasserscheid P, Brummel O, Libuda J Journal article Atomic Layer Deposition of HfS2 on Oxide Interfaces: A Model Study on the Initial Nucleation Processes (2022) Fickenscher G, Fromm L, Görling A, Libuda J Journal article Toward Coarse-Grained Elasticity of Single-Layer Covalent Organic Frameworks (2022) Croy A, Raptakis A, Bodesheim D, Dianat A, Cuniberti G Journal article Do Lead Halide Hybrid Perovskites Have Hydrogen Bonds? (2022) Ibaceta-Jana J, Chugh M, Novikov AS, Mirhosseini H, Kühne TD, Szyszka B, Wagner MR, Muydinov R Journal article Competing Intramolecular Superexchange Interactions in the CuFe4 Metallacrown on Au(111)-An Inelastic Tunneling Spectroscopy Study (2022) Ranecki R, Lach S, Luepke A, Athanasopoulou A, Rentschler E, Ziegler C Journal article Prediction and Characterization of Graphitic Structures at Diamond Grain Boundaries (2022) Sun L, Marques MAL, Botti S Journal article Importance of Electrostatic Forces in Supracolloidal Self-Assembly of Polymer-Functionalized Gold Nanorods (2022) Lenjani SV, Mayer M, Wang R, Dong Y, Fery A, Sommer JU, Rossner C Journal article Particle Size and Shape Effects in Electrochemical Environments: Pd Particles Supported on Ordered Co3O4(111) and Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite (2022) Kastenmeier M, Fusek L, Deng X, Skala T, Mehl S, Tsud N, Grau S, et al. Journal article Adsorption and Reaction of NH3on Rutile TiO2(110): An STM Study (2022) Bühlmeyer H, Adamsen KC, Xu T, Lammich L, Libuda J, Lauritsen JV, Wendt S Journal article