Journal of Career Assessment
Journal Abbreviation: J CAREER ASSESSMENT
ISSN: 1069-0727
Publisher: SAGE Publications (UK and US)
Publications (4)
Validation of the German Career Decision-Making Profile--An Updated 12-Factor Version (2016)
Ebner K, Thiele L, Spurk D, Kauffeld S
Journal article, Original article
Why Do Adaptable People Feel Less Insecure? Indirect Effects of Career Adaptability on Job and Career Insecurity via Two Types of Perceived Marketability (2015)
Spurk D, Kauffeld S, Meinecke M, Ebner K
Journal article
The Career Satisfaction Scale in Context: A Test for Measurement Invariance across Four Occupational Groups. (2015)
Spurk D, Abele AE, Volmer J
Journal article
When Reality Meets Ideal: Investigating the Relation Between Calling and Life Satisfaction. (2015)
Hagmaier-Göttle T, Abele AE
Journal article