Röfo: Fortschritte auf dem Gebiet der Röntgenstrahlen und der bildgebenden Verfahren

Journal Abbreviation: ROFO-FORTSCHR RONTG
ISSN: 1438-9010
eISSN: 1438-9029
Publisher: Georg Thieme Verlag

Publications (73)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Structured image diagnosis of vertebral body degeneration and intervertebral disc damage - Binary image criteria and comparison for systematic image analysis for occupational diseases 2108 and 2110. Part 2: “Comparison images” (2024) Braunschweig R, Kildal D, Meyer-Clement M, Tiemann A, Janka RM Journal article Motivation and success factors in radiological research in Germany – results of a survey by the Methodology and Research Working Group of the German Radiological Society (2024) Wegner F, Heinrichs H, Stahlmann K, Molwitz I, Keller-Yamamura S, Kloeckner R, Barkhausen J, et al. Journal article Vaccine-associated axillary lymphadenopathy with a focus on COVID-19 vaccines Impfassoziierte axillare Lymphadenopathie mit Fokus auf COVID-19-Impfstoffe (2024) Wilpert C, Wenkel E, Baltzer PAT, Fallenberg EM, Preibsch H, Sauer ST, Siegmann-Luz K, et al. Journal article Artificial intelligence (AI) in diagnostic imaging. (2024) Braunschweig R, Kildal D, Janka RM Journal article Structured image diagnosis of vertebral body degeneration and disc damage - Binary image criteria and comparison for systematic image analysis in occupational diseases 2108/2110. (2024) Braunschweig R, Kildal D, Meyer-Clement M, Janka RM, Tiemann A Journal article, Review article Kommentar zu „MSK - Diffusions-Mikrostrukturbildgebung der Schulter (2023) Janka RM Journal article Identification of impactful imaging biomarker: Clinical applications for breast and prostate carcinoma (2023) Bäuerle T, Dietzel M, Pinker K, Bonekamp D, Zhang KS, Schlemmer HP, Bannas P, et al. Journal article, Review article HERZ THORAX – Regionale Lungenfunktion bei Lymphangioleiomyomatose mit der MRT diagnostizieren (2022) May M Journal article Vision, Development, and Structure of the First German Specialist Training Curriculum for Radiology (2022) Molwitz I, Frisch A, Adam G, Afat S, Ammon J, Antoch G, Baeßler B, et al. Journal article MSK - Was können 18F-FDG-PET/MRT, MRT, CT und 'Szintigrafie bei der Detektion von Knochenmetastasen? (2022) Wenkel E Journal article