Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
Journal Abbreviation: ZAA
ISSN: 0044-2305
eISSN: 2196-4726
Publisher: Königshausen & Neumann
Publications (39)
How Collostructional Analysis Contributes to the Description of Argument Structure Constructions with Slots for that-and Infinitive Clauses (2024)
Uhrig P, Herbst T
Journal article
Diachronic Construction Grammar - Introductory Remarks to This Special Issue Introduction (2022)
Herbst T, Huber J
Journal article, Editorial
What film translation can tell us about the creation of meaning, the role of accents and gestures – A few essayistic remarks about multimodality (2020)
Herbst T
Journal article
Multimodal research in linguistics (2020)
Uhrig P
Journal article
I don't want to go all Yoko Ono on you Creativity and Variation in a Family of Constructions (2018)
Uhrig P
Journal article, Review article
Collo-Creativity and Blending: Recognizing Creativity Requires Lexical Storage in Constructional Slots (2018)
Herbst T
Journal article
Why the principle of no Synonymy is overrated (2015)
Uhrig P
Journal article, Original article
Do Constructions make a Difference? Introduction to a Specal Issue of ZAA on Aspects of Construction Grammar (2015)
Herbst T, Faulhaber S
Journal article, Editorial
Academic achievement of children with and without migration backgrounds in an immersion primary school: A pilot study (2013)
Steinlen A, Piske T
Journal article, Original article
Preface: Argument Structure - Valency and/or Constructions? (2011)
Herbst T, Stefanowitsch A
Journal article