
Journal Abbreviation: LANGMUIR
ISSN: 0743-7463
eISSN: 1520-5827
Publisher: American Chemical Society

Publications (174)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Growth of Multilayers of Ionic Liquids on Au(111) Investigated by Atomic Force Microscopy in Ultrahigh Vacuum (2020) Meusel M, Lexow M, Gezmis E, Bayer A, Maier F, Steinrück HP Journal article Effect of Stabilizing Particle Size on the Structure and Properties of Liquid Marbles (2020) Asaumi Y, Rey M, Oyama K, Vogel N, Hirai T, Nakamura Y, Fujii S Journal article, Original article Comparative studies of light-responsive swimmers: Janus Nanorods versus Spherical Particles (2020) Eichler-Volf A, Huang T, Luna FV, Alsaadawi Y, Stierle S, Cuniberti G, Steinhart M, et al. Journal article Interface between Water-Solvent Mixtures and a Hydrophobic Surface (2020) Prihoda A, Will J, Duchstein P, Becit B, Lossin F, Schindler T, Berlinghof M, et al. Journal article Pore Size Gradient Effect in Monolithic Silica Mesopore Networks Revealed by In-Situ SAXS Physisorption (2020) Kube SA, Turke K, Ellinghaus R, Wallacher D, Thommes M, Smarsly BM Journal article Interactions of long-chain polyamines with silica studied by molecular dynamics simulations and solid-state NMR spectroscopy (2020) Montagna M, Brueckner SI, Dianat A, Gutierrez R, Daus F, Geyer A, Brunner E, Cuniberti G Journal article Anisotropic Exclusion Effect between Photocatalytic Ag/AgCl Janus Particles and Passive Beads in a Dense Colloidal Matrix (2020) Huang T, Gobeil S, Wang X, Misko V, Nori F, De Malsche W, Fassbender J, et al. Journal article Phosphate-Silica Interactions in Diatom Biosilica and Synthetic Composites Studied by Rotational Echo Double Resonance (REDOR) NMR Spectroscopy (2020) Kolbe F, Daus F, Geyer A, Brunner E Journal article Particle Monolayer-Stabilized Light-Sensitive Liquid Marbles from Polypyrrole-Coated Microparticles (2020) Asaumi Y, Rey M, Vogel N, Nakamura Y, Fujii S Journal article Cell Interactions with Size-Controlled Colloidal Monolayers: Toward Improved Coatings in Bone Tissue Engineering (2020) Walter T, Grünewald A, Detsch R, Boccaccini AR, Vogel N Journal article