
Journal Abbreviation: LANGMUIR
ISSN: 0743-7463
eISSN: 1520-5827
Publisher: American Chemical Society

Publications (174)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Adsorption of CTAB on Sapphire- c at High pH: Surface and Zeta Potential Measurements Combined with Sum-Frequency and Second-Harmonic Generation. (2022) Abdelmonem A, Zhang Y, Braunschweig B, Glikman D, Rumpel A, Peukert W, Begovic T, et al. Journal article Effect of Bromide on the Surfactant Stabilization Layer Density of Gold Nanorods (2022) Zech T, Schmutzler T, Noll D, Appavou MS, Unruh T Journal article Adsorption Motifs and Molecular Orientation at the Ionic Liquid/Noble Metal Interface: [C(2)C(1)Im][NTf2] on Pt(111) (2021) Hohner C, Fromm L, Schuschke C, Taccardi N, Xu T, Wasserscheid P, Görling A, Libuda J Journal article Adsorption, Wetting, Growth, and Thermal Stability of the Protic Ionic Liquid Diethylmethylammonium Trifluoromethanesulfonate on Ag(111) and Au(111) (2021) Massicot S, Sasaki T, Lexow M, Shin S, Maier F, Kuwabata S, Steinrück HP Journal article Soft Particles at Liquid Interfaces: From Molecular Particle Architecture to Collective Phase Behavior. (2021) Ciarella S, Rey M, Harrer J, Holstein N, Ickler M, Löwen H, Vogel N, Janssen LMC Journal article A Universal Standard Archive File for Adsorption Data (2021) Evans JD, Bon V, Senkovska I, Kaskel S Journal article Demetalation of Surface Porphyrins at the Solid-Liquid Interface (2021) Fernández CC, Franke M, Steinrück HP, Lytken O, Williams FJ Journal article Electroactive Nanogel Formation by Reactive Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Polyester and Branched Polyethylenimine via Aza-Michael Addition (2021) Yildirimkaraman O, Özenler S, Gunay US, Durmaz H, Ylldlz ÜH Journal article Drug-Induced Dynamics of Bile Colloids (2021) Hanio S, Schlauersbach J, Lenz B, Spiegel F, Böckmann R, Schweins R, Nischang I, et al. Journal article Multiresponsive Transitions of PDMAEMA Brushes for Tunable Surface Patterning (2020) Flemming P, Janke A, Simon F, Fery A, Muench AS, Uhlmann P Journal article