EMBO Reports

Journal Abbreviation: EMBO REP
ISSN: 1469-221X
eISSN: 1469-3178
Publisher: EMBO Press

Publications (20)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



ZEB1-mediated fibroblast polarization controls inflammation and sensitivity to immunotherapy in colorectal cancer (2024) Menche C, Schuhwerk H, Armstark I, Gupta P, Fuchs K, van Roey R, Mosa MH, et al. Journal article The inhibitory receptor Siglec-G controls the severity of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (2023) Röder B, Fahnenstiel H, Schäfer S, Budeus B, Dampmann M, Eichhorn M, Angermüller S, et al. Journal article ORF3c is expressed in SARS-CoV-2-infected cells and inhibits innate sensing by targeting MAVS (2023) Müller M, Herrmann A, Fujita S, Uriu K, Kruth C, Strange A, Kolberg JE, et al. Journal article Nsp16 shields SARS–CoV-2 from efficient MDA5 sensing and IFIT1-mediated restriction (2022) Ruß A, Wittmann S, Tsukamoto Y, Herrmann A, Deutschmann J, Lagisquet J, Enßer A, et al. Journal article Bassoon controls synaptic vesicle release via regulation of presynaptic phosphorylation and cAMP (2022) Montenegro-Venegas C, Guhathakurta D, Pina-Fernandez E, Andres-Alonso M, Plattner F, Gundelfinger ED, Fejtova A Journal article TIFA has dual functions in Helicobacter pylori-induced classical and alternative NF-kappa B pathways (2021) Maubach G, Lim MCC, Sokolova O, Backert S, Meyer TF, Naumann M Journal article Influenza A viruses limit NLRP3-NEK7-complex formation and pyroptosis in human macrophages (2020) Boal-Carvalho I, Mazel-Sanchez B, Silva F, Garnier L, Yildiz S, Bonifacio JPPL, Niu C, et al. Journal article PCAF, ISX, and BRD4: a maleficent alliance serving lung cancer malignancy (2020) Stemmler M Journal article, Editorial Multiple C2 domains and transmembrane region proteins (MCTPs) tether membranes at plasmodesmata (2019) Brault ML, Petit JD, Immel F, Nicolas WJ, Glavier M, Brocard L, Gaston A, et al. Journal article An Ovol2-Zeb1 transcriptional circuit regulates epithelial directional migration and proliferation (2019) Haensel D, Sun P, Maclean AL, Ma X, Zhou Y, Stemmler M, Brabletz S, et al. Journal article