Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry

ISSN: 1618-2642
eISSN: 1618-2650
Publisher: Springer

Publications (32)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Discrimination between pathogenic and non-pathogenic E. coli strains by means of Raman microspectroscopy (2020) Lorenz B, Ali N, Bocklitz T, Roesch P, Popp J Journal article Nosy confirmation: reconstitution of the characteristic odor of softwood via quantitative analysis and human sensory evaluation (2020) Schreiner L, Ortner E, Büttner A Journal article Isolation matters—processing blood for Raman microspectroscopic identification of bacteria (2019) Lorenz B, Roesch P, Popp J Journal article Complementarity of molecular and elemental mass spectrometric imaging of Gadovist™in mouse tissues (2019) Trog S, El-Khatib AH, Beck S, Makowski MR, Jakubowski N, Linscheid MW Journal article Correlations between odour activity and the structural modifications of acrylates (2019) Bauer P, Denk P, Fuss JM, Lorber K, Ortner E, Büttner A Journal article The application of UV resonance Raman spectroscopy for the differentiation of clinically relevant Candida species (2018) Silge A, Heinke R, Bocklitz T, Wiegand C, Hipler UC, Roesch P, Popp J Journal article Comparison of μ-ATR-FTIR spectroscopy and py-GCMS as identification tools for microplastic particles and fibers isolated from river sediments (2018) Kaeppler A, Fischer M, Scholz-Boettcher BM, Oberbeckmann S, Labrenz M, Fischer D, Eichhorn KJ, Voit B Journal article A droplet-based microfluidic chip as a platform for leukemia cell lysate identification using surface-enhanced Raman scattering (2018) Hassoun M, Rueger J, Kirchberger-Tolstik T, Schie IW, Henkel T, Weber K, Cialla-May D, et al. Journal article Photonic monitoring of treatment during infection and sepsis: development of new detection strategies and potential clinical applications (2018) Tannert A, Ramoji A, Neugebauer U, Popp J Journal article, Review article Pioneering particle-based strategy for isolating viable bacteria from multipart soil samples compatible with Raman spectroscopy (2017) Schwarz M, Kloss S, Stoeckel S, Pollok S, Hollaender A, Cialla-May D, Weber K, Popp J Journal article
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