Chemical Engineering Journal
Journal Abbreviation: CHEM ENG J
ISSN: 1385-8947
Publisher: Elsevier
Publications (64)
Controlled mixing during colloidal quantum dot synthesis: A proxy-concept based on equivalent parameters (2023)
Salaheldin AM, Segets D
Journal article
Separation of alkane isomers in a hierarchically structured 3D-printed porous carbon monolith (2023)
Henrique A, Steldinger H, de Tuesta JL, Gläsel J, Rodrigues AE, Gomes HT, Etzold BJ, Silva JA
Journal article
Correlating catalyst ink design and catalyst layer fabrication with electrochemical CO2 reduction performance (2023)
Liu G, McLaughlin D, Thiele S, Van Pham C
Journal article
A compact photoreactor for automated H2 photoproduction: Revisiting the (Pd, Pt, Au)/TiO2 (P25) Schottky junctions (2023)
Jimenez-Calvo P, Munoz-Batista MJ, Isaacs M, Ramnarain V, Ihiawakrim D, Li X, Munoz-Marquez MA, et al.
Journal article
Photoelectrolysis of TiO2 is highly localized and the selectivity is affected by the light (2022)
Iffelsberger C, Ng S, Pumera M
Journal article
Pore development during CO2 and H2O activation associated with the catalytic role of inherent inorganics in sewage sludge char and its performance during the reforming of volatiles (2022)
Korus A, Gutierrez JP, Szlęk A, Jagiello J, Hornung A
Journal article
Quantitative modeling of precipitation processes (2022)
Schikarski T, Avila M, Trzenschiok H, Güldenpfennig A, Peukert W
Journal article
Valorization of steel-work off-gases: Influence of impurities on the performance of Cu-based methanol synthesis catalyst (2022)
Heracleous E, Koidi V, Lappas AA, Hauser A, Haag S
Journal article
En route towards a comprehensive dimensionless representation of precipitation processes (2022)
Schikarski T, Avila M, Peukert W
Journal article, Original article
Two-dimensional vanadium sulfide flexible graphite/polymer films for near-infrared photoelectrocatalysis and electrochemical energy storage (2022)
Ng S, Ghosh K, Vyskocil J, Pumera M
Journal article