Chemical Engineering Journal

Journal Abbreviation: CHEM ENG J
ISSN: 1385-8947
Publisher: Elsevier

Publications (63)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



3D printed photopolymer derived carbon catalysts for enhanced wet peroxide oxidation (2024) Silva AS, Diaz de Tuesta JL, Henrique A, Roman FF, Omralinov D, Steldinger H, Gläsel J, et al. Journal article A data-driven approach for deducing process parameter influences on N2O selectivity for the Ostwald process (2024) Stoltenberg LC, Funke M, Kornemann F, Biermann F, Wiser A, Schöpp M, Goerens C, et al. Journal article Particle dynamics in a pseudo-2D spouted bed: Experiments and Euler–Lagrange simulations (2024) Antunes GGB, Bück A, Mariano FP, Girardi AG, Dos Santos DA Journal article, Original article Electrode microstructure design to improve effective utilization of Fe-N/C catalysts towards oxygen reduction reaction process (2024) Peng Q, Yang Y, Xu H, Schilling M, Shah A, Zeis R, Sui PC, et al. Journal article Periodic open cellular structures (POCS) as catalyst support for intensified heat transport in the partial oxidation of methanol to formaldehyde (2024) Busse C, Freund H, Schwieger W Journal article Advancing rehabilitation: Knittable fiber-shaped sensors for monitoring rotator cuff injury recovery (2024) Zhang H, Li G, Wei H, Wu X, Yan S, Xia Y, Yang S, et al. Journal article Mechanistic insights into silver-gold nanoalloy formation by two-dimensional population balance modeling (2024) Traore N, Schikarski T, Cardenas Lopez P, Körner A, Cardenas Lopez P, Hartmann L, Fritsch B, et al. Journal article Enhanced internal electric field of CdS/NU-M Z-scheme heterojunction for efficient photocatalytic hydrogen evolution (2024) Liu L Journal article, Original article Top-down vs. bottom-up synthesis of Ga–based supported catalytically active liquid metal solutions (SCALMS) for the dehydrogenation of isobutane (2023) Raman N, Söllner J, Madubuko N, Nair S, Taccardi N, Thommes M, Haumann M, Wasserscheid P Journal article Controlled mixing during colloidal quantum dot synthesis: A proxy-concept based on equivalent parameters (2023) Salaheldin AM, Segets D Journal article