Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta

Journal Abbreviation: GEOCHIM COSMOCHIM AC
ISSN: 0016-7037
Publisher: Meteoritical Society

Publications (45)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Sulfate (re-)cycling in the oceanic crust: Effects of seawater-rock interaction, sulfur reduction and temperature on the abundance and isotope composition of anhydrite (2022) Kleine BI, Stefánsson A, Zierenberg RA, Jeon H, Whitehouse MJ, Jónasson K, Fridleifsson G, Weisenberger TB Journal article Hydrothermal activity and associated subsurface processes at Niuatahi rear-arc volcano, North East Lau Basin, SW Pacific: Implications from trace elements and stable isotope systematics in vent fluids (2022) Klose L, Kleint C, Bach W, Diehl A, Wilckens F, Peters C, Strauss H, et al. Journal article Effects of fluid boiling on Au and volatile element enrichment in submarine arc-related hydrothermal systems (2021) Falkenberg J, Keith M, Haase K, Bach W, Klemd R, Strauss H, Yeo IA, et al. Journal article Pyrite chemistry: A new window into Au-Te ore-forming processes in alkaline epithermal districts, Cripple Creek, Colorado (2020) Keith M, Smith DJ, Doyle K, Holwell DA, Jenkin GR, Barry TL, Becker J, Rampe J Journal article Constraints on mantle evolution from Ce-Nd-Hf isotope systematics (2020) Willig M, Stracke A, Beier C, Salters VJ Journal article Structure—longitudinal sound velocity relationships in glassy anorthite (CaAl2Si2O8) up to 20 GPa: An in situ Raman and Brillouin spectroscopy study (2019) Moulton BJ, Henderson GS, Martinet C, Martinez V, Sonneville C, de Ligny D Journal article Extreme intensity of fluid-rock interaction during extensive intraplate volcanism (2019) Beier C, Bach W, Busch AV, Genske FS, Hübscher C, Krumm S Journal article Boiling vapour-type fluids from the Nifonea vent field (New Hebrides Back-Arc, Vanuatu, SW Pacific): Geochemistry of an early-stage, post-eruptive hydrothermal system (2017) Schmidt K, Garbe-Schönberg D, Hannington M, Anderson M, Bühring B, Haase K, Haruel C, et al. Journal article, Original article Rift–plume interaction reveals multiple generations of recycled oceanic crust in Azores lavas (2017) Béguelin P, Bizimis M, Beier C, Turner S Journal article, Original article Boiling vapour-type fluids from the Nifonea vent field (New Hebrides Back-Arc, Vanuatu, SW Pacific): Geochemistry of an early-stage, post-eruptive hydrothermal system (2017) Schmidt K, Garbe-Schönberg D, Hannington M, Anderson M, Bühring B, Haase K, Haruel C, et al. Journal article, Original article
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