Nature Immunology
Journal Abbreviation: NAT IMMUNOL
ISSN: 1529-2908
eISSN: 1529-2916
Publisher: Nature Research
Publications (47)
ImmGen at 15 (2020)
Aguilar SV, Aguilar O, Allan R, Amir EAD, Angeli V, Artyomov MN, Asinovski N, et al.
Journal article
EBF1-deficient bone marrow stroma elicits persistent changes in HSC potential (2020)
Derecka M, Herman JS, Cauchy P, Ramamoorthy S, Lupar E, Gruen D, Grosschedl R
Journal article
Spatiotemporal regulation of type I interferon expression determines the antiviral polarization of CD4+ T cells (2020)
De Giovanni M, Cutillo V, Giladi A, Sala E, Maganuco CG, Medaglia C, Di Lucia P, et al.
Journal article
Reverse TCR repertoire evolution toward dominant low-affinity clones during chronic CMV infection (2020)
Schober K, Voit F, Grassmann S, Mueller TR, Eggert J, Jarosch S, Weissbrich B, et al.
Journal article, Original article
Early emergence of T central memory precursors programs clonal dominance during chronic viral infection (2020)
Grassmann S, Mihatsch L, Mir J, Kazeroonian A, Rahimi R, Flommersfeld S, Schober K, et al.
Journal article, Original article
Germinal center B cells selectively oxidize fatty acids for energy while conducting minimal glycolysis (2020)
Weisel FJ, Mullett SJ, Elsner RA, Menk AV, Trivedi N, Luo W, Wikenheiser D, et al.
Journal article
Cryptic activation of an Irf8 enhancer governs cDC1 fate specification (2019)
Durai V, Bagadia P, Granja JM, Satpathy AT, Kulkarni DH, Davidson JT, Wu R, et al.
Journal article
Single-cell RNA-seq reveals TOX as a key regulator of CD8+ T cell persistence in chronic infection (2019)
Yao C, Sun HW, Lacey NE, Ji Y, Moseman EA, Shih HY, Heuston EF, et al.
Journal article
The transcription factor c-Myb regulates CD8+T cell stemness and antitumor immunity (2019)
Gautam S, Fioravanti J, Zhu W, Le Gall JB, Brohawn P, Lacey NE, Hu J, et al.
Journal article
Hobit- and Blimp-1-driven CD4(+) tissue-resident memory T cells control chronic intestinal inflammation (2019)
Zundler S, Becker E, Spocinska M, Slawik M, Parga-Vidal L, Stark R, Wiendl M, et al.
Journal article