Analytical Chemistry

Journal Abbreviation: ANAL CHEM
ISSN: 0003-2700
eISSN: 1520-6882
Publisher: American Chemical Society

Publications (60)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Comparability of Raman Spectroscopic Configurations: A Large Scale Cross-Laboratory Study (2020) Guo S, Beleites C, Neugebauer U, Abalde-Cela S, Afseth NK, Alsamad F, Anand S, et al. Journal article Towards an Interpretable Classifier for Characterization of Endoscopic Mayo Scores in Ulcerative Colitis Using Raman Spectroscopy (2020) Kirchberger-Tolstik T, Pradhan P, Vieth M, Grunert P, Popp J, Bocklitz TW, Stallmach A Journal article Fiber-Enhanced Raman Gas Spectroscopy for the Study of Microbial Methanogenesis (2020) Knebl A, Domes R, Wolf S, Domes C, Popp J, Frosch T Journal article Influence of Carbon Sources on Quantification of Deuterium Incorporation in Heterotrophic Bacteria: A Raman-Stable Isotope Labeling Approach (2020) Matanfack GA, Taubert M, Guo S, Houhou R, Bocklitz T, Kuesel K, Roesch P, Popp J Journal article FLIm-Guided Raman Imaging to Study Cross-Linking and Calcification of Bovine Pericardium (2020) Shaik TA, Alfonso-Garcia A, Zhou X, Arnold KM, Haudenschild AK, Krafft C, Griffiths LG, et al. Journal article Detection and Differentiation of Bacterial and Fungal Infection of Neutrophils from Peripheral Blood Using Raman Spectroscopy (2020) Arend N, Pittner A, Ramoji A, Mondol AS, Dahms M, Rueger J, Kurzai O, et al. Journal article Challenging a Preconception: Optoacoustic Spectrum Differs from the Optical Absorption Spectrum of Proteins and Dyes for Molecular Imaging (2020) Werner JPF, Huang Y, Mishra K, Janowski R, Vetschera P, Heichler C, Chmyrov A, et al. Journal article CaF2: An Ideal Substrate Material for Infrared Spectroscopy? (2020) Mayerhoefer TG, Pahlow S, Huebner U, Popp J Journal article Spatiotemporal Organization of Biofilm Matrix Revealed by Confocal Raman Mapping Integrated with Non-negative Matrix Factorization Analysis (2020) Liu XY, Guo S, Ramoji A, Bocklitz T, Roesch P, Popp J, Yu HQ Journal article Simulation of Transportation and Storage and Their Influence on Raman Spectra of Bacteria (2019) Wichmann C, Chhallani M, Bocklitz T, Roesch P, Popp J Journal article
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