IEEE Communications Magazine

Journal Abbreviation: IEEE COMMUN MAG
ISSN: 0163-6804
Publisher: IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics

Publications (19)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Simultaneous Lightwave Information and Power Transfer in 6G Networks (2024) Papanikolaou V, Tegos SA, Palitharathna KW, Diamantoulakis PD, Suraweera HA, Khalighi MA, Karagiannidis GK Journal article Switchable Signaling Molecules for Media Modulation: Fundamentals, Applications, and Research Directions (2023) Brand L, Scherer M, Lotter S, tom Dieck T, Schäfer M, Burkovski A, Sticht H, et al. Journal article Charging Techniques for UAV-Assisted Data Collection: Is Laser Power Beaming the Answer? (2022) Lahmeri MA, Kishk MA, Alouini MS Journal article Intelligent Reflecting Surface Assisted Free-Space Optical Communications (2021) Jamali V, Ajam H, Najafi M, Schmauß B, Schober R, Poor HV Journal article Guest Editorial: Nano-Networking for Nano-, Micro-, Macro-Scale Applications (2021) Demirkol I, Mitra U, Schober R, Yilmaz HB Journal article NANO-NETWORKING FOR NANO-, MICRO-, MACRO-SCALE APPLICATIONS (2021) Demirkol I, Mitra U, Schober R, Yilmaz HB Journal article, Editorial IEEE fellow elevation for ComSoc members (2019) Letaief KB, Schober R, Galli S Journal article Conference Report: IEEE BlackSeaCom 2017 (2017) Ulema M, Panayirci E, Erkucuk S, Schober R Journal article Enhancing LTE with Cloud-RAN and Load-Controlled Parasitic Antenna Arrays (2016) Artuso M, Boviz D, Checko A, Christiansen H, Clerckx B, Cottatellucci L, Gesbert D, et al. Journal article, Original article Load modulated arrays: A low complexity antenna (2016) Sedaghat MA, Barousis VI, Müller R, Papadias CB Journal article, Original article