Biophysical Journal

Journal Abbreviation: BIOPHYS J
ISSN: 0006-3495
Publisher: Elsevier (Cell Press) / Biophysical Society

Publications (39)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



A simplified implementation of the bubble analysis of biopolymer network pores (2013) Münster S, Fabry B Journal article Mechanosensing of Cells in Laminin-Fuctionalized Biomembrane-Mimicking Substrates (2013) Lautscham L, Lin CY, Auernheimer V, Minner D, Goldmann W, Naumann CA, Fabry B Journal article Predicting the Effects of Basepair Mutations in DNA-Protein Complexes by Thermodynamic Integration (2011) Beierlein F, Kneale GG, Clark T Journal article Second harmonic generation microscopy probes different states of motor protein interaction in myofibrils (2010) Schürmann S, von Wegner F, Fink R, Friedrich O, Vogel M Journal article, Original article Fiber Network Elasticity as Function of Crosslinker Density (2010) Sporer S, Kapfer S, Arns C, Mecke K, Schröder-Turk G Journal article Elastic and Morphological Properties of Porous Biomaterials (2010) Kapfer S, Sporer S, Hyde ST, Mecke K, Schröder-Turk G Journal article From Powder to Solution: Hydration Dependence of Human Hemoglobin Dynamics Correlated to Body Temperature (2009) Stadler AM, Digel I, Embs JP, Unruh T, Tehei M, Zaccai G, Büldt G, Artmann G Journal article Robust Pore Size Analysis of Filamentous Networks from Three-Dimensional Confocal Microscopy (2008) Mickel W, Münster S, Jawerth LM, Vader DA, Weitz DA, Sheppard AP, Mecke K, et al. Journal article Mechano-coupling and regulation of contractility by the vinculin tail domain (2007) Goldmann W, Mierke C, Kollmannsberger P, Zitterbart DP, Smith J, Fabry B, Goldmann WH Journal article Breakdown of the Endothelial Barrier Function in Tumor Cell Transmigration (2007) Mierke C, Paranhos Zitterbart D, Kollmannsberger P, Raupach C, Schlötzer-Schrehardt U, Goecke TW, Behrens J, Fabry B Journal article
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