physica status solidi (a)

Journal Abbreviation: PHYS STATUS SOLIDI A
ISSN: 1862-6300
eISSN: 0031-8965
Publisher: Wiley

Publications (56)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



Achieving large acoustic and phonon band gaps in multilayered structures (2016) Mangipudi KR, Jooss C, Volkert CA Journal article Half-Heusler materials as model systems for phase-separated thermoelectrics (2016) Fecher GH, Rausch E, Balke B, Weidenkaff A, Felser C Journal article Thermoelectric properties of nanocarbons: Atomistic modeling (2016) Lehmann T, Ryndyk DA, Cuniberti G Journal article Influence of side groups on the performance of infrared absorbing aza-BODIPY organic solar cells (2015) Kraner S, Widmer J, Benduhn J, Hieckmann E, Jaegeler-Hoheisel T, Ullbrich S, Schuetze D, et al. Journal article Electrical activity of geometrically necessary dislocations in polycrystalline silicon thin films prepared by solid phase crystallization (2014) Ke C, Law F, Widenborg PI, Aberle AG, Peters IM Journal article Radial oxygen precipitation of a 12 '' CZ silicon crystal studied in-situ with high energy X-ray diffraction (2014) Bergmann C, Will J, Gröschel A, Weißer M, Magerl A Journal article Template-assisted Co-Ni alloys and multisegmented nanowires with tuned magnetic anisotropy (2014) Garcia J, Vega V, Iglesias L, Prida VM, Hernando B, Barriga-Castro ED, Mendoza-Resendez R, et al. Journal article Nanostructured hybrid material based on highly mismatched III-V nanocrystals fully embedded in silicon (2014) Benyoucef M, Al-Zoubi T, Reithmaier JP, Wu M, Trampert A Journal article, Original article Simulation of InGaN quantum well LEDs with reduced internal polarization (2012) Andreev Z, Roemer F, Witzigmann B Journal article Core-shell InGaN nanorod light emitting diodes: Electronic and optical device properties (2012) Koelper C, Sabathil M, Roemer F, Mandl M, Strassburg M, Witzigmann B Journal article
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