Measurement Science & Technology
Journal Abbreviation: MEAS SCI TECHNOL
ISSN: 0957-0233
Publisher: Institute of Physics: Hybrid Open Access
Publications (28)
Novel control scheme for a high-speed metrological scanning probe microscope (2011)
Vorbringer-Dorozhovets N, Hausotte T, Manske E, Shen JC, Jäger G
Journal article
Measuring value correction and uncertainty analysis for homodyne interferometers (2011)
Hausotte T, Percle B, Manske E, Füßl R, Jäger G
Journal article
Tactile 3D microprobe system with exchangeable styli (2011)
Balzer F, Hausotte T, Vorbringer-Dorozhovets N, Manske E, Jäger G
Journal article
Characterization of an olfactometer by proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometry (2010)
Beauchamp J, Frasnelli J, Büttner A, Scheibe M, Hansel A, Hummel T
Journal article
Advanced three-dimensional scan methods in the nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machine (2009)
Hausotte T, Percle B, Jäger G
Journal article
Development of a tunnelling current sensor for a long-range nano-positioning device (2008)
Weckenmann A, Hoffmann J, Schuler A
Journal article
New applications of the nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machine by using advanced tactile and non-tactile probes (2007)
Manske E, Hausotte T, Mastylo R, Machleidt T, Franke KH, Jäger G
Conference contribution
Investigations and calculations into decreasing the uncertainty of a nanopositioning and nanomeasuring machine (NPM-Machine) (2007)
Schmidt I, Hausotte T, Gerhardt U, Manske E, Jäger G
Conference contribution