Remote Sensing
ISSN: 2072-4292
Publisher: MDPI
Publications (24)
Frequency of low clouds in taiwan retrieved from MODIS data and its relation to cloud forest occurrence (2015)
Thies B, Groos AR, Schulz M, Li CF, Chang SC, Bendix J
Journal article
Land cover change in the Andes of southern Ecuador-Patterns and drivers (2015)
Curatola Fernández G, Obermeier W, Gerique A, López Sandoval M, Lehnert L, Thies B, Bendix J
Journal article
Predictive Mapping of Dwarf Shrub Vegetation in an Arid High Mountain Ecosystem Using Remote Sensing and Random Forests (2014)
Vanselow K, Samimi C
Journal article
Modeling species distribution using niche-based proxies derived from composite bioclimatic variables and MODIS NDVI (2012)
Feilhauer H, He KS, Rocchini D
Journal article, Original article