Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin

Journal Abbreviation: Dtsch Z Sportmed
ISSN: 0344-5925
Publisher: Süddt. Verl. onpact

Publications (32)


Types of publications

Journal article
Unpublished / Preprint

Publication year



The Effect of Whole-Body Electromyostimulation on Inflammatory Biomarkers and Adipokines in Overweight to Obese Adults with Knee Osteoarthritis: a Randomized Controlled Study (2024) Kelmendi B, Kast S, von Stengel S, Kohl M, Roemer F, Uder M, Kemmler W, Kob R Journal article, Original article Effectiveness and Safety of Whole-Body Electromyostimulation on Musculoskeletal Diseases in Middle Aged-Older Adults – A Systematic Review (2024) Le YH, Kohl M, von Stengel S, Uder M, Kemmler W Journal article, Review article Effects of Whole-Body Electromyostimulation and Lifestyle Modifications on the Metabolic Syndrome in Premenopausal Overweight Women. A Randomized Controlled Trial (2024) Willert S, von Stengel S, Kohl M, Uder M, Kemmler W Journal article Update: Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) – Muscle Biomechanics, Patho-physiology and Therapeutic Approaches Update: Verspätet einsetzender Muskelkater – Muskelbiomechanik, Pathophysiologie und therapeutische Ansätze (2024) Schroeter S, Bloch W, Hirschmüller A, Engelhardt M, Grim C, Heiss R, Hotfiel T Journal article, Review article Physical Activity in the Face of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Changes in Activity Prevalence in Germany (2022) Beck F, Siefken K, Reimers AK Journal article Preventive Cardiology in Europe – Quo vadis? Präventive Kardiologie in Europa – Quo vadis? (2022) Halle M Journal article Dermatoses in competitive athletes Auftreten von dermatosen bei (Hochleistungs-)sportlern (2021) Liebich C, Wergin VV, Schubert I, Von Bruehl ML, Marquart C, Halle M, Oberhoffer R, Wolfarth B Journal article Effects of High-Intensity Aerobic Exercise and Resistance Training on Cardiometabolic Risk in Early-Postmenopausal Women (2021) Hettchen M, von Stengel S, Kohl M, Murphy MH, Shojaa M, Ghasemikaram M, Bragonzoni L, et al. Journal article Recommendations for exercise testing may 2020 in sports medicine during the current pandemic situation (SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19) Empfehlungen zur durchführung ergometrischer belastungsuntersuchungen in der sportmedizin während der jetzigen pandemiesituation (SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19) (2020) Nieß AM, Bloch W, Friedmann-Bette B, Grim C, Gärtner B, Halle M, Hirschmüller A, et al. Journal article Sport in times of corona Sport in zeiten von corona (2020) Bloch W, Halle M, Steinacker JM Journal article
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